Home Town Favorites among Home Owners & Business Owners throughout Palm Springs and Coachella
Valley. What's one of the first rules of thumb in developing a company name? Right: clearly
communicating the ultimate benefit that flows directly from the services you provide.
At Comfort Air, we deliver added indoor comfort. And we do that through our many heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) products and services. Added comfort is the benefit, HVAC
services are the means. Are all HVAC contractors in Palm Spring and Coachella Valley equally adept
to creating ideal indoor air environments? Not even close.
Our web site will provide you with ample details of what we do, how we do it, and what it all means
to you. Here's the condensed version:
- Heating & Cooling System Design & Installation
- System maintenance & repairs for all makes & models
- Same-day service
- 24/7 emergency repair
- Residential & Commercial
- FREE in-home estimates on new & replacement systems
- Competitive pricing
- Your satisfaction guaranteed
Looking for greater indoor comfort along with absolute “home comfort” peace of mind? Then come to
the company whose name says it all: Comfort Air.