We Make Things Nice & Easy in Indian Wells.
What goes on outside of your home can often be anything but nice and easy.
But when you arrive home or wake up in the morning, that's exactly how things should be. Nice
and comfortable. Easy on your nerves.
At Comfort Air, it's our job to help keep things that way with the best in home heating, air
conditioning, and indoor air quality services.
For your Indian Wells heating and air conditioning needs, we provide annual system maintenance,
repairs (all makes and models), plus new system design and installation for the following home
comfort systems:
- Central air
- Boilers
- Furnaces
- Electric heat
- Gas Heat
- In-floor radiant heat
- Heat Pumps
- Ductless Air
To help improve the quality of your indoor air, we also provide and install whole-house air filters
and whole-house humidity control systems.
Added Value for Indian Wells Home Owners
When you choose Comfort Air as your home comfort partner, you get more than our skill, knowledge,
and experience working for you. You get a strong and reliable commitment to customer service.
- Courteous and knowledgeable people answering your calls
- Prompt reply to your emails
- 24/7 service for those repairs that just can't wait
- A guaranteed written quote on every repair job
- Our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee
- Ongoing training and development is mandatory for all employees
- What's more, Comfort Air is licensed and insured
If you're not used to “nice and easy” when it comes to your home heating and cooling needs, we
invite you to contact Comfort Air today. It happens to be our specialty.
760-320-5800 Click here to schedule service or request a quote